Finding our Way



THIS guide is a compassionate and practical resource for navigating the often daunting journey of caregiving and making space in our lives for our loved ones.

While numerous guides exist for various life stages such as birth, relationships, and daily living, our guide fills a crucial gap by addressing the challenges of caregiving head-on.

Designed to assist everyone involved in the caregiving journey, this guide offers practical advice, emotional support, and invaluable insights to help ease the burden and provide direction during this challenging time.

Quarter Arc
Quarter Arc


Leslie VICK is based in Minneapolis, MN, and wears many ​hats with grace and resilience. As a devoted mother, ​sister, wife, and small business owner, Leslie brings a ​wealth of life experiences to her role as an author.

Leslie’s firsthand understanding of the complexities ​of caregiving stem from her own journey, which ​inspired her to pen a comprehensive guide aimed at ​assisting others facing similar challenges.

What readers ​are saying

Quotation Mark

"Wow! I can't believe how much I ​have on my plate with caring for ​my mom and being the POA for ​my aunt. This book is an absolute ​lifesaver! It's packed with ​invaluable information and ​guidance. I'll definitely be singing ​its praises to everyone I know! ​Thank you so much for creating ​such an amazing resource!”

- Vicky L.

Quotation Mark

“This book tackles a very difficult ​subject in a compassionate yet ​direct manner. It provides ​guidance, recommendations, and ​resources on how to navigate ​difficult conversations with a sick ​loved one, as well as steps to follow ​once they have passed. I truly wish I ​had this book to help guide me ​through my father's illness and ​passing.”

- Jenn A.

Quotation Mark

“Unlike dense volumes of ​information, Leslie's guide provides ​succinct paragraphs on each subject, ​making it incredibly accessible and ​user-friendly. Her guide would have ​been invaluable to me during the ​initial stages of caregiving, offering ​quick access to vital information and ​resources. I'm proud to see Leslie ​sharing her wealth of knowledge to ​ease the burden for others facing ​similar challenges. This guide is truly ​a testament to her dedication and ​compassion.​”

- Mary L​.

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